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MU Academics Could Be Achilles Heel


The reports that Missouri is being considered as a candidate for possible Big 10 expansion has stirred up discussion on the academic implications such a move. An ESPN article recently looked at the academic merits of the current teams in the Big 10 and some of the expansion options (shown above).

All 11 schools in the current Big 10 are ranked in the top 75. Missouri isn’t even ranked in the top 100. I certainly wouldn’t call MU a sports school, but t looks like that might be the only factor that could get them into the Big 10.

Mizzou: Debacle Decade


The Kansas City Star recently ran an article looking back at what Missouri had done in sports this decade. I found interesting that about one fourth of the article was devoted to talking about the scandals and unrest at Missouri.

In the span of eight seasons, from 2002 to 2009, Missouri played in two Elite Eight rounds of the NCAA Tournament. In between those stellar seasons, though, the Tigers suffered through the Ricky Clemons affair, which was one of the most public and humiliating periods of any college basketball program.

Tiger fans would love to forget the jailhouse tapes, when even the wives of an assistant athletic director and the university’s system president were acting like Kansas fans cracking on Missouri’s misery.

Ultimately, Missouri was handed sanctions for employing out-of-control young coaches who made questionable decisions, some of them against NCAA rules.
But it was not only the coaching staff and a couple of “crackers shaking” comments that embarrassed Mizzou.

There was also the untimely Board of Curators meeting, which was called to consider firing athletic director Mike Alden over his handling of Quin Snyder’s ouster and occurred on the same day that Alden was to introduce Mike Anderson as Missouri’s new basketball coach.

I guess Missouri follows the adage of “No publicity is bad publicity”. This did get me thinking about the best moments of Tiger demise in the past decade. Was it David Padgett’s last second shot to close down the Hearnes center? Was it Todd Reesing’s pass the Kerry Meier in the closing seconds of the 2008 Border War? Or was the Ricky Clemons’ fiasco the best way to expose the country to Missouri’s blundering ways. Weigh in and let me know what your favorite MU embarrassment was.

Missouri candidate for relegation to Big 10

The president of Ohio State University told the press Monday that he sees the need to add a 12th team to the Big Ten conference which oddly enough currently has 11.

“We have to be thoroughly modern and realize the world has moved on, and having a playoff for the Big Ten championship makes sense.”

Among teams on the short for consideration is the University of Missouri and I for one think it would be a great move. The Big 12 has had to put up with their slack jawed fans for too long. Let someone else deal with their constant PR embarrassments. Although the Big 10 has already made statements to the effect that they don’t want MU either.

Personally I think Missouri would be a better fit in the Missouri Valley Conference where they would at least have a chance of competing in athletics. But regardless of where they end up I would certainly back any move that would get them out here.

See Kansas City Star for more info.

Female basketball players give MU and Male Cheerleader a blackeye


Two of Missouri’s best basketball players were suspended indefinitely by head coach Cindy Stein on Sunday for beating up a male cheerleader for the team.

From the Comumbia Daily Tribune:

The incident happened in the hours after Missouri beat Texas Pan-American 83-34 on Thursday night at Mizzou Arena. Columbia police Sgt. Timothy Moriarity said Hanneman and Johnson were among a group that left a Columbia bar for an apartment at 36 N. Cedar Drive.

Moriarity said the altercation began around 2 a.m. when one of the apartment’s tenants complained the gathering was too loud. The complainant, a senior at Missouri, was left with a broken nose and an eye injury.

Moriarity called it a “dynamic disturbance,” with at least eight people “trying to break it up, different people trying to get involved.” He said Hanneman and Johnson left the apartment after the dispute but the victim and witnesses gave the police a description of the two players. Their vehicle was pulled over nearby.

To be honest I’m surprised that the team suspended them. I know MU has a history of student athletes with discipline issues, but these are the team’s best two players. For a team that was already picked to finish last in the Big 12 I would expect Missouri to handle this by sweeping  it under the rug. Then again maybe they actually learned form the Quinn Snyder /Ricky Clemons incidents.

Muck Fizzou’s Helmets

Wow, Fizzou must have been planning on shocking the opposition in submission with those ugly ass uniforms in the Kansas v Missouri game on Saturday! I’m sure someone thought it was a great idea to let overhaul their image in the form of a rorshach test. Black white, grey and more black is what you see on the new unis. I mean Nike did give them a big check and if mustard was the primary color of my school I would want something new too, but there is a little something to be said for tradition.

I know you frat guys are saying “but the tribal tatoo design sewn into the shoulders is cool!”. Well your wrong. Bad fashion trends go in 20 year cycles this in no different.

Pro Combat Uniforms: FAIL!

High Expectations


Kansas basketball gets the ESPN Magazine cover treatment this month as they ramp up to start a season full of expectation’s. Along with a preseason #1 ranking they also have two preseason all-Americans in Sherron Collins and Cole Aldrich. Just in time to distract for Kansas fans from our football woes.

Suh Destroys Gabbert

It’s always fun to watch a Fizzou player get smashed. Enjoy!

Prank Call: Quin Snyder

Don Fambrough hates Missouri

Coach makes some good points.