To defeat your enemy you must be able to recognize your enemy. Use these images to familiarize yourself with these slack jawed hicks so you can avoid or (preferably) mock them.
A Handshake and…
I find this video interesting in that MU Athletic Director shakes each of the officials hands who called a questionable game against Kansas in the final installment of the Border War in Mizzou’s Paige Arena. If I were him I would do everything possible to not lose that game.
“We Are Mizzou” Indeed
Leave it to Mizzou to find new ways to embarrass themselves. I think this video speaks for itself.
If the SEC wasn’t already nervous about letting Mizzou into their conference this are now. From their bumbled conference switch announcement, to their NCAA leading DUI football team the Big 12 is happy to let this headache walk out the door.
It is so bad that even other Mizzou students are distancing them selves from it:
We Are Mizzou, but not the viral video
The Kansas rebuttal didn’t stoop to that level of crappy rap video, but rather pointed out the idiocy of the original. That is in fact the definition of satire.
Mizzou Proudly Supports Segregation
Mizzou puts another feather in it’s racist cap by supporting segregated homecomings. Apparently they think it is a good idea to have a campus wide homecoming and separate Black Homecoming.
It is a shame that MU, who many have thought invented Homecoming, can’t seem to reconcile racial differences during what is supposed to be a time where MU alumni and students come together to celebrate all things Mizzou.
Either they were trying to impress the SEC or they still don’t get that racial segregation has come and gone.
Source: The Maneater
Mizzou Football Coach Arrested for DWI
It always amazes me how good the University of Missouri is at finding trouble. If it’s not hiring a head basketball coach accused of paying players it’s their football team drinking and driving like it’s going out of style. Now we know where they get it.
Missouri head football coach Gary Pinkel was arrested on November 16 for a DWI offense. You can see the quite comical sobriety test below. Some high lights include when he is asked to count backward form 73 to 62 he responds “I can’t do that normally, are you kidding me?”
You should expect to see plenty of “Gary Drinkel” signs at Mizzou road games form now on.
Big 12 Upgrade
News that the SEC will be taking Mizzou off the Big 12’s hands has been coupled with a report that West Virginia will join the Big 12 in 2013-14. With this the Big 12 has managed to unload one of it’s least desired assets and land a school that can make Final Fours and BCS Bowls. Even better than trading a good athletic school for a mediocre one, the Big 12 has finally rid itself of Mizzou fans. Big win for the Big 12.
Mizzou’s SEC Application
Muck Fizzou has obtained a copy of Mizzou’s application to join the SEC. Looks like they will fit right in.
Questions via: Saturday Night Slant
Late Night at Mizzou
This is a real image from Mizzou’s Late Night “event” which signifies the first night the team can practice. As you can see their notoriously bad fans showed up in droves.
via: kougar24
KU Dominates MU in Quiddich Match
The Jayhawks and Tigers met in Lawrence on September 18 to engage in the Harry Potter inspired sport of Quiddich. In an unsurprising result Kansas won the best of 3 matches event 2-0 proving that Kansas dominance of Missouri reaches into the realm of the imaginary as well.
Image from: University Daily Kansan
Frank Haith Likes to Party
Former Miami head basketball coach Frank Haith has found himself in hot water in the wake of the “U” scandal involving prominent booster Nevin Shapiro. Among the allegations being made against Haith are that he knew Shapiro paid a Miami recruit $10,000 and that he would frequently visit strip clubs with Shapiro and Miami players.
It is bad timing for Haith as these pictures have surfaced of several of his recruiting “events”.