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There is a great picture on the cover of the Lawrence Journal World Sports page. A couple of readers submitted their “edited” versions and I had to share them.

Submitted by: Maria

Submitted by: Marc

Further coverage of the blowout:

Topeka Capital Journal – KU Blows out Mizzou

Enemies point of view –  Rock M Nation

Mizvoodoo Doll

I get pretty heated when thinking about Missouri in general, but it gets worse when they play head to head with Kansas. So this year I decided to stop taking out my anger on those around me and focus it on something more “productive”. Click the image or link below to download a the pdf to make your own Mizvoodoo doll. You can print out on standard 8.5″ x11″ paper.

Tear it’s arms off when they shoot free throws or stab it in the gut when they go into that psycho press. Enjoy the power of the dark arts as we go Tiger hunting to close out the Big12 schedule.

Mizvoodoo Doll Download

Feel free to send in pictures of your mutilated effigy. I will post them on Monday.

Featured on – Anti Missouri Propaganda

Racial Vandalism at Mizzou

Racism at Mizzou

via Columbia Tribune: Cottonballs Scattered in Front of MU’s Black culture Center

“Before the Civil War, many enslaved African-Americans were forced to work on cotton plantations.” Now during Black History month, cotton balls were used by a couple of University of Missouri students to send a racially charged message.

Talk of the incident spread via text message, Facebook, Twitter and word-of-mouth later in the morning. Many comments on the subject said it was an example of continuing racism.

Facebook Faceoff

Not sure how this got started, but it looks like a couple students on each side of the KU / MU rivalry decided to run a popularity contest between the schools.  The challenge is see which school can get 100,000 fans on their Facebook page first.

As I write this Kansas leads with 68,318 votes to Fizzou’s 67,871. Not too bad considering the contest only started 6 days ago. Even more impressive on Fizzou’s part to find that many people who would want their name permanently associated with the school. But eventually we all know who is going to win, but Fizzou should be able to keep it closer than they did in basketball.

Do your part if you haven’t already and help put Kansas over the top.

Kansas’s Facebook

Or talk trash on those hated tiggers.

Missouri’s Facebook

Morningstar Miss

I just  really love the face Brady Morningstar makes as after he pulled off one of the weirdest free-throws in basketball history. (Watch below)

He made when it counted in Manhattan, so I’ll let this slide as a one time thing.

Know Your Enemy

I ran across these public service posters the other day and realized that Fizzou fans are all around us. Knowledge is the best form of protection, so if you are in doubt of an acquaintances legitimacy take a look at these helpful diagrams.

If you are still in doubt about whether the person in question is a Fizzou fan you can also consult the the long list of redneck jokes. If the answer is yes to any of them…you have a Fizzou fan.

Magic Eye


For some reason I found myself wondering what ever happened to those Magic Eye books from my Elementary School career. After a little research I was able to find a Flash site that creates Magic Eye style stereo graph images. It was a little limiting in that I has to use my mouse to draw out the text that is embedded in the image, but in the end it came out pretty clean.

The above shot is a miniaturized version of the actual image, so the effects might be skewed by the scaling. See the full image here. There are instructions in the lower right if you are having trouble seeing the image.

Feel free to send and forward to your Fizzou “friends”.

Missouri: 7th Ugliest State

Daily Beast declares that Missouri falls into the 44th slot in the list of Best Looking State residents. While this comes as a shock to no one the River Front Times (a Saint Louis blog) decided to push in their neighbors faces by offering analysis of the ranking. They make a couple good points on whether the metrics were really valid and scientific and that the data could be a bit skewed. However, I counter that they should be happy that IQ and number of teeth weren’t figured into the equation, because finishing 51st in a 50 entry competition is pretty pathetic.

Next Fizzou Loss: Oklahoma State


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