Two of Missouri’s best basketball players were suspended indefinitely by head coach Cindy Stein on Sunday for beating up a male cheerleader for the team.
From the Comumbia Daily Tribune:
The incident happened in the hours after Missouri beat Texas Pan-American 83-34 on Thursday night at Mizzou Arena. Columbia police Sgt. Timothy Moriarity said Hanneman and Johnson were among a group that left a Columbia bar for an apartment at 36 N. Cedar Drive.
Moriarity said the altercation began around 2 a.m. when one of the apartment’s tenants complained the gathering was too loud. The complainant, a senior at Missouri, was left with a broken nose and an eye injury.
Moriarity called it a “dynamic disturbance,” with at least eight people “trying to break it up, different people trying to get involved.” He said Hanneman and Johnson left the apartment after the dispute but the victim and witnesses gave the police a description of the two players. Their vehicle was pulled over nearby.
To be honest I’m surprised that the team suspended them. I know MU has a history of student athletes with discipline issues, but these are the team’s best two players. For a team that was already picked to finish last in the Big 12 I would expect Missouri to handle this by sweeping it under the rug. Then again maybe they actually learned form the Quinn Snyder /Ricky Clemons incidents.