The president of Ohio State University told the press Monday that he sees the need to add a 12th team to the Big Ten conference which oddly enough currently has 11.
“We have to be thoroughly modern and realize the world has moved on, and having a playoff for the Big Ten championship makes sense.”
Among teams on the short for consideration is the University of Missouri and I for one think it would be a great move. The Big 12 has had to put up with their slack jawed fans for too long. Let someone else deal with their constant PR embarrassments. Although the Big 10 has already made statements to the effect that they don’t want MU either.
Personally I think Missouri would be a better fit in the Missouri Valley Conference where they would at least have a chance of competing in athletics. But regardless of where they end up I would certainly back any move that would get them out here.
See Kansas City Star for more info.